Empowering Voices for Liberty and Justice

February 5, 2024

Healing and Renewal; Faith, Courage, and Hope in the Cadet Prayer

“[The words duty, honor, country] are your rallying points: to build courage when courage seems to fail; to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith; to… Continue reading Healing and Renewal; Faith, Courage, and Hope in the Cadet Prayer

A New Hope for Argentina: President Javier Milei

Newly elected President Argentine President Javier Milei is working to restore his country. In a courageous speech at the World Economic Forum,  he opined the grave dangers to the West… Continue reading A New Hope for Argentina: President Javier Milei

Grandpa tex and the lesson of “bent nails”

When I was a boy, my incomparable Grandfather, “Tex” Fulkerson, taught me an incredibly important life lesson about bent nails at his Arkansas farm. (Tex was an amazing man…a WWII… Continue reading Grandpa tex and the lesson of “bent nails”

The Green New Hoax

The proponents of the “Green New Deal” claim that it is “cleaner”. Is it?  That is a reasonable question for those seeking a radical policy change isn’t it?  I do… Continue reading The Green New Hoax

On Disney Parades and attention to detail

West Point, from day one, pounds into Cadets the concept that every officer must pay “attention to detail”.     I greatly admire Disney parades for their illustration of this precept.  If… Continue reading On Disney Parades and attention to detail

On Why it is Clear the 2020 election was rigged, and Why the Courts Cannot So Rule

My explanation of why I am convinced the 2020 election was rigged: One of the MANY inexplicable anomalies that makes it very clear that Biden will NEVER be legitimate,  even… Continue reading On Why it is Clear the 2020 election was rigged, and Why the Courts Cannot So Rule

On slavery and the 1619 Fallacies

All of us must be sensitive to the past ills of slavery,  but not just slavery. Genocide, religious wars, tortures, and savagery have been the way of man at his… Continue reading On slavery and the 1619 Fallacies

On “Critical Race Theory” and the 1619 Project

Today, many left-leaning pundits push Critical Race Theory. What is it, and where does it come from? CRT is the leftist reaction to losing arguments on the economic front because… Continue reading On “Critical Race Theory” and the 1619 Project

Robert’s Rules for Men and Boys (With a view towards a happy and healthy life)

1. Stand up to shake hands. Shake a man’s hand firmly and a ladies hand gently, and only if she offers it. Couple your hand shaking with a warm smile.… Continue reading Robert’s Rules for Men and Boys (With a view towards a happy and healthy life)