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Lies, Hoaxes, and Danger: Seven Open Secrets About Kamala Harris You Should Know to Help Same America from the Dark Future of Communism

by Robert F. Croskery, Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) US Army

What happens if Kamala Harris, through the unreasoning support of most the the media, happens to win the Presidency and carry the House and Senate with her?


To call this prospect a disaster for America is the greatest understatement of our age. We would soon arrive at the dishonesty, hyperinflation, cruelty, lawfare and injustice of communism. Here is how it would happen. First, the Democrats in the Senate would change the rules of the Senate to eliminate the filibuster (Schumer tried to do it under Biden. He failed because Joe Manchin, a last defender of Democracy would not bend.) Now: you may not know what the filibuster does, soi will lay it out. Essentially, it keeps the party in power from getting legislation through the Senate unless at least some of the minority party approves, because you need a 60% vote of the Senate to break a filibuster. Now: what happens when the Democrats, with a tiny majority, end the filibuster? We already know, because of their past efforts and attempted legislation.


The following things WILL happen in rapid succession if Kamala has the House and Senate after the filibuster is gone. 1) Puerto Rico will become a state, insuring 2 more “safe: blue Democrat Senators. 3) Ditto Washington D.C.. That’s FOUR Senators to upset the power balance. 4) There will be an immediate “path to voting” for illegal immigrants. (We know this because the Democrats refused to pass the Save Act, which was meant to head off noncitizens from voting, and the reason for allowing millions of illegals in without a mandate, in spite of the gargantuan cost, the human trafficking, the drugs, and the crime they bring). 5) This change will result in hard left voting in America impossible to counter over the next two decades, until we arrive at the horrors of Venezuela. Kamala is a Marxist (her father is a Marxist Professor). She grew up in her high school years as the daughter of professors in neighborhood in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. She lived in BERKELEY, a hard left bastion, not Oakland, California, as she stresses. 6) All of her own expressed positions of 2019 (banning fracking, confiscating guns, abortion up to the moment of birth, and gigantic spending on the “Green New Deal” that destroys American jobs) would be enacted; her “position reversals” are self-serving lies she cannot explain. 7) Nor would the border be closed, because too much money flows to blue donors regardless of the heartbreak massive illegal migration causes.


How, you ask, do we prevent this disaster? It will not be easy. Give the devil her due: she is good at four things: delivering memorized rehearsed lies and half-truths written by people smarter than she, reading teleprompters, leering, and smirking. To some low information voters, that is enough. To win this election, we must get out the truth that the media hides. So here are seven truths, with evidentiary support, that you can use when discussing Kamala with those that will decide whether America is saved: essentially, those people who can vote in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan, New Hampshire North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.


  1. She fought to keep nonviolent offenders locked up

    Prospect.org Article

  2. She had almost 92% turnover to her Vice Presidential Staff

    Mynbc15.com Article

    This one is amazing. Think about it. More than nine of ten people fled their “dream job” assisting the Vice President, an unheard of rate, because of her blaming staffers for her own laziness and her profanity-laced tirades.

  3. She Failed the California Bar Exam on Her First Try
    On the bar exam. 80-90% of students pass. Now: it was only about 60% in the July 1989 California bar, but that includes all those who did not attend law school. Stanford’s law school pass rate is over 90%. Remember, you can take the bar in California without a law degree.

    Snopes.com Article

    96.7 percent passed from Stanford 2023

  4. Kamala was the border czar
    See this article from March 24 2021

    Apnews.com Article

    “WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.

    Biden made the announcement as he and Harris met at the White House on Wednesday with Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandra Mayorkas and other immigration advisers to discuss the increase in migrants, including many unaccompanied minors, arriving at the border in recent weeks.”

    (We know just how effective she has been, as the equal of a plane crash of hundreds of people die from Fentanyl in the US every day as a direct result of her insane policies and her failure to protect America.

  5. Biden Harris created cumulative 20% inflation


    Finance.yahoo.com Article

    This won’t take much convincing. We all lived through it.

  6. Harris supports banning fracking


    Washingtonexaminer.com Article 

    In her only “interview” with CNN, Kamala Harris noted “My values have not changed”, and, asked about it, Bernie Sanders agrees that she is a progressive, but being pragmatic: she “Says what she needs to say to win”.

  7. Harris is unable to function absent a teleprompter or reciting memorizing canned lines.


    Open YouTube Video


Friends and fellow patriots, our mission is clear, and the ammunition you need is above. You can vote your way into Communism, but you CANNOT vote your way out of it. All of us much pitch in to Save America. Godspeed.d

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